For some unknown, but understandable (if your brain functions, or should I say, doesn't function the way mine does) reason, I was wondering today where the term "BLOG" came from, since now anyone who's anyone "BLOGS."
I mean, I know WHERE it came from, but WHY did it end up being a "BLOG"? Was "WEBL" considered? Was "EBLO" tossed around by the "Powers that Be?" (little shout out to Kat) What about "WEBLO"? I'm guessing the ACLU or some other constantly offended party thought that sounded a little too close to the Webelos group, which is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, which of course, doesn't allow gays in their midst. So I'm guessing that one was just eliminated be based on the rough affiliation with a private group that dictates who can and who can't be a member of their association... Or, it was just eliminated for the obvious "WE BLOW" connotation...
I am a fan of the WEBL. Anyone who's anyone recognizes the "Weebles Wobble But They Won't Fall Down," toys and jingle from the 80's/90's. I would like to think my thoughts, commonly referred to as a BLOG, can wobble, but they won't fall down.
Thanks for reading my WEBL!