Wednesday, July 27, 2005 for Janitorial Supplies

You've GOT to visit the NEW and IMPROVED standard for janitorial equipment and supply,! It looks good, it runs better, and still has the thousands of great cleaning products and equipment from industry standards Spartan, 3M, Windsor, SC Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, Georgia Pacific, Rubbermaid, Hoover, Unger, Brady and many others!

Now just as a reminder, that's!

(I hate to beg, and I know it's a shameless plug, but COME ON!!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Too Much

I think I've finally reached that point where enough is enough. Changes have to be made or else it's just time to move on...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Big Toe Injury Update

Healing nicely! Should be good as new within a weeks time.

Thanks for the flowers, chocolates, and other assorted gifts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I was playing "Chase & Tickle" with my boy tonight. After lap number 25 throughout the house, I was running and hit the corner of a rug. The rug that's on the wood floor. The rug that's on the wood floor that slides around pretty easily. I bit it BAD! Hip, then Elbow, then Wrist, and then big toe. I'm not totally sure how the big toe got thrown in there, but it's feeling the pain maybe more than all the others.

I love the Matrix trilogy. The "Twins" from Matrix Reloaded have GOT to be about the coolest bad guys EVER!!!

It would be fun sometime to try and rob a bank. Wouldn't it? As long as people wouldn't shoot at you, and when it was all done, I wouldn't get in trouble.

Linen shirts are SUCH a pain. You look at them and they wrinkle. I think the only time I'll ever wear a linen shirt again is when I'm on a cliff, in Hawaii, wearing a Long Sleeve White Linen shirt, doing something special.

"The Ring" is the scariest show I've ever seen.

"Skeet Skeet" is a pretty funny phrase!

O! that a man might know
The end of this day's business, ere it come;
But suffice it that the day will end,
And then the end is known.
-William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"

Monday, July 11, 2005

Portland Here I Come!

I'm going to Portland for the first time this week. And then I get to follow-up my first visit with another visit next week.

It's business, not pleasure, but I am going to play golf, which depending on my swing might be pure agony!

I don't know anything about Portland other than the Trailblazers are there. And if you're a Utah Jazz fan, you don't like the Trailblazers very much. And I'm thinking they probably don't like the Jazz much at all either. Sort of a mutual disdain. But I feel okay with that. It shouldn't hamper my business relationships. At least hopefully it doesn't.

Go Jazz!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pumie Pumice Sticks

uClean offers Pumie Pumice Scouring Sticks!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Liberation from Showering

I haven't showered ALL DAY!!! And I feel liberated! I'm sure I smell like roses or maybe peaches.

I don't know why, but I feel like SUCH a rebel. And if I go another day without showering I'll be a stinky rebel.

Friday, July 08, 2005


You've heard of writer's block, and probably even experienced it at different times in your life. Most likely it coincided with a huge paper that was due the next morning by 8:00 am in the professor's office. And it needed to be bound with a beautiful cover and full bibliography.

I'm in the middle of a serious life block. I feel like I've got so much to accomplish, so much that needs to be done, and yet I just can't seem to get it done, or even start it all. And the more time that goes by the more discouraged I get and the bigger the life paper is that I have to write.

I wish I could just buy a life paper on ebay and pass it off as my own. Just to feel like I'd accomplished something. And if it had a beautiful cover and was bound all wonderfully all the better.